참고자료 Printed Books, English
<Printed Books, English>
Book Name / Author/ Year and Publisher
Everyman's TALMUD
-Abraham Cohen
-1975. Schocken Books
The Complete Gospel Parallels
-Arthur J. Dewey & Robert J. Miller
-2012. Polebridge Press
The New Testament World (3rd Edition)-Insight from Cultural Anthropology
-Bruce J. Malina
-2001. Westminster John Knox Press
The Lost Gospel: The Original Sayings of Jesus (Consulting Edition)
-Consulting Editor: Marcus Borg. Editors: Mark Powelson, Ray Riegert
-1999. ULYSSES Press
A History of Christianity
-Diarmaid MacCulloch
-2010. Penguin Books
Bandits, Prophets, and Messiahs: Popular Movements at the Time of Jesus
-Richard Horsley with John S. Hanson
-1988. Harper SanFranscisco
The Age of Empathy: Nature's Lesson for a Kinder Society
-Frans De Waal
-2009. Souvenir Press
The Bonobo and the Atheist
-Frans De Waal
-2013. W.W.Norton & Company
Jesus The Jew-A Historian's Reading of the Gospels
-Geza Vermes
-1981. Fortress Press Edition
The Power of Place: Geography, Destiny, and Globalization Rough Landscape
-Harm de Blij
-2009. Oxford University Press
Chronological Aspects of The Life of Christ
-Harold W. Hoehner
-1977. Zondervan Publishing House
Sabbatical Journey: The Diary of his Final Year
-Henry J.M. Nouwen
-1998. Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd.
The Brother of Jesus
-Hershell Shanks & Bar Whitherington III
-2003. Biblical Archaeology Society (BAS)/Harper SanFrancisco
The Meaning of the 21st Century
-James Martin
-2006. Eden project books
-Jean-Yves Leloup forwarded by Jacob Needleman
-2002. Inner Tradition International
The Social World of Luke-Acts: Models for Interpretation
-Jerome H. Neyrey Editior
-1991. Hendrickson Publishing, Inc.
Healing in The New Testament - An Insight from Medical and Mediterranean Anthropology
-John J. Pilch
-2000. Fortress Press
The Fourth Gospel: Tales of a Jewish Mystic
-John Shelby Spong
-2013. HarperOne
Eternal Life: A New Vision. Beyond Religion, Beyond Theism, Beyond Heaven and Hell -John Shelby Spong
-2009. HarperOne
FIELDS OF BLOOD: Religion and the History of Violence
-Karen Armstrong
-2014. The Bodley Head/Penguin Random House, U.K.
-Karen Armstrong
-2009. Alfred A. Knopf
After Eden: The Evolution of Human Domination
-Kirkpatrick Sale
-2006. Duke University Press
DIRT, GREED, & SEX: Sexual Ethics in the New Testament and their Implication for Today (Revised Edition)
-L. William Countryman
-2007. Fortress Press
The Upright Thinkers: The Human Journey from Living in Trees to Understanding the Cosmos
-Leonard Mlodibow
-2016. Vintage Books
Subliminal: How Your Unconscious Mind Rules Your Behave
-Leonard Mlodibow
-2012. Vintage Books
EVOLUTION OF THE WORD: The New Testament in the order the Books were Written.
-Marcus J. Borg
-2012. HarperOne
Reading the Bible Again for the First Time
-Marcus J. Borg
-2001. HarperOne
Meeting Jesus Again for the First Time
-Marcus J. Borg
-1994. HarperOne
The God We Never Knew-Beyond Dogmatic Religion to More Authentic Contemporary Faith"
-Marcus J. Borg
-1997. HarperOne
Purity and Danger-An Analysis of Concept of Pollution and Taboo. 2002 Edition
-Mary Douglas
-2002. Routledge Classic Edition
Herod Antipas in Galilee (2nd Edition)
-Morten Hoerning Jensen
-2010. Mohr Siebeck
Josephus - The Essential Works
-Paul L. Maier
-1994. Kregel Publication
Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth
-Reza Aslan
-2014. Westbournerpress Co. UK.
Jesus and The Powers: Conflict, Covenant, And the Hope of The Poor
-Richard Horsley
-2011. Fortress Press
Archaeology History and Society in Galilee: The Social Context of Jesus and the Rabbis
-Richard Horsley
-1996. Trinity Press International
JESUS AND THE SPIRAL OF VIOLENCE: Popular Jewish Resistance in Roman Palestine
-Richard Horsley 1993. Fortress Press
John, Jesus, and The Renewal of Israel
-Richard Horsley and Tom Thatcher
-2013. Wm.B.Eerdmans Publishing Co.
The Acts of Jesus - What Did Jesus Really Do?
-Robert W. Funk and The Jesus Seminar
-1998. A Polebridge Press Book, Hapers SanFrancisco
THE GOSPEL AND JESUS according to Jesus Seminar
-Robert W. Funk and The Jesus Seminar
-1999. Polebridge Press
The Five Gospels - What Did Jesus Really Say?
-Robert W. Funk, Roy W. Hoover, And the Jesus Seminar
-1993. Polebridge Press / Hapers SanFrancisco
The Evolution of God
-Robert Wright
-2009. Little, Brown Company
Proclaiming the Gospel: First Century Performance of mark
-Whitney Shiner
-2003. Trinity Press International
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