참고자료 E-Books

<E-Books from Apple iBook and Amazon Kindle>

Book / Author

The Message and Kingdom: How Jesus and Paul Ignited a Revolution and Transformed the Ancient World

-2004. Journal of Biblical Literature

Following Jesus in Galilee: Resurrection as Empowerment in the Gospel of Mark (Theological Studies)

-2005. Lutheran School of Theology and Mission

The Sepphoris Synagogue: Deciphering an Ancient Message Through Its Archeological and Socio-Historical Contents 

-2007. The Journal of American Oriental Society

Instability in Jesus' Galilee: A Demographic Perspective   

  -2010 Journal of Biblical Literature

"A Centurion's ""Confession"": A Performance-Critical Analysis of Mark 15:39 (Essay)" 

  -2011. Journal of Biblical Literature

Ancient Israel in Egypt and the Exodus     

  -2012. Biblical Archaeology Socienty

The Temple-Its Ministry and Service        

  -Alfred Edersheim

Sketches of Jewish Social Life in The Days of Christ        

  -Alfred Edersheim

Short stories by jesus        

  -Amy-Jile Levine

The Bible with and without Jesus  

  -Amy-Jill Levine

The Jewish Annotated New Testament (2nd Edition)       

  -Amy-Jill Levine and Marc Zvi Brettler (editors)

The Misunderstood JEW: The Church and The Scandal of Jewish Jesus   

  -Amy-Jill Levine

The Law of The Offerings  

  -Andrew Jukes

Jesus Before the Gospel    

  -Bart D. Ehrman

Mary Magdalen

-Bruce Chilton

Rabbi Jesus 

  -Bruce Chilton

Walking the Bible   

  -Bruce Feiler

The Social world of Jesus and The Gospel 

  -Bruce J. Malina

The Social Gospel of Jesus 

  -Bruce J. Malina

Social Science Commentary on the Synoptic Gospels      

  -Bruce Malina. Richard L. Rohrbaugh

ATLAS of The Bible

  -Carl G. Rasmussen

A Woman's Place    

  -Carolyn Osiek, Magaret Y. MacDonald, Janet H. Tulloch

Biblical Geography and History (Illustrated)         

  -Charles Foster Kend

The Complete Apocrypha: 2018 Edition with Enoch, Jasjer and Jublees (Literal Standard Version)       

  -Covenant Press

Judaism in the First Century         

  -Dale Martin

The Greco-Roman World   

  -Dale Martin

The Gospel of Thomas (Enhanced Version)

  -Das Arba & Nicholas Perrin

Galilee in The Late Second Temple and Mishnaic Periods: Life, Culture, and Societ        

  -David A. Fiensy

Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and The World 

  -David Beidel


  -David Graeber

Atheism is False.    

  -David Rueben Stone

A History of Christianity   

  -Diarmaid MacCulloch

Ethics in the Last Days of Humanity         

  -Don Cupitt

Turns of Phrase: Radical Theology from A to Z    

  -Don Cupitt

Taking Leave of God (SCM Classic)

  -Don Cupitt

Creative Faith: Religion as a Way of Worldmaking

  -Don Cupitt

The Last Testament

  -Don Cupitt

The Sea of Faith (SCM Classic)      

  -Don Cupitt

Jesus and Philosophy        

  -Don Cupitt

Above us Only Sky 

  -Don Cupitt

The Fountain         

  -Don Cupitt

The Historical Figure of Jesus       

   E.P. Sanders

Judaism: Practice and Belief, 63 BCE - 66 CE

  -E.P. Sanders

Sejanus and Roman Tale    

  -Edward Maturin

The Jewish People in The Time of Jesus Christ     

  -Emil Schuerer


  -Eric Hobsbawm

The Life of Jesus    

  -Ernest Renan

The Age of Empathy         

  -Frans de Waal

Assyrian Empire     

  -George Rawlinson

The Kings of Israel and Judah       

  -George Rawlinson

Beyond Religion    

  -H.H. Dalai Lama

Common Prayer     

  -Harvey Cox

The Ancient History of The Near East      

  -Henry R. Hall

Eternal Life: A New Version

  -John Shelby Spong

The Bible Unearthed         

  -Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman

Slaves in The New Testament: Literary, Social, and Moral Dimensions

  -J. Albert Harrill

History of Roman Empire 27 BC -180 AD 

  -J.B. Bury

Jesus and Temple: Textual and Archaeological Exploration

  -James H. Charlesworth (Editor)

Empire Betrayed: The Fall of Sejanus        

  -James Mace

The Complete book of Enoch: Standard English version   

  -Jay Winter

Twelve Tribes of Israel       

  -Jessica Cruiel, Rose Publishing

The World of The New Testament (Cultural, Social, and Historical Context)       

  -Joel B. Green & Lee Martin McDonald (Editors)

Sinai & Zion: An Entry into The Jewish Bible       

  -John D. Levenson

How to Read The Bible & Still Be a Christian       

  -John Dominic Crossan

Jesus and the Violence of Scripture

  -John Dominic Crossan

God's Empire         

  -John Dominic Crossan

Jesus A Revolutionary Biography  

  -John Dominic Crossan

Excavating Jesus    

  -John Dominic Crossan and Jonathan L. Reed

The Roman Province of Judea: A Historical Overview      

  -John F. Hall

Cultural Tools for Interpreting the Good News    

  -John J. Pilch

The Cultural World of Jesus Sunday by Sunday Cycle A   

  -John J. Pilch

Handbook of Biblical Social Values

  -John J. Pilch & Bruce J. Malina

Biblical Literalism: A Gentile Heresy         

  -John Shelby Spong

This Hebrew Lord   

  -John Shelby Spong

Buried Books of The Bible 

  -John Volz

Messiah (Overview)

  -Jona Lendering

The Books of Enoch

  -Joseph Lumpkin

Josephus Flavius: Complete Works

  -Josephus Flavius (Annotated Classics)

Palestine in the Time of Jesus: Social Structures and Social Conflict (Second Edition)

  -K.C. Hansson & Douglas E. Oakman

A Short History of Myth   

  -Karen Armstrong

Twelve Steps to a Compassionate Life      

  -Karen Armstrong

The Bible    

  -Karen Armstrong

The Case for God   

  -Karen Armstrong

The Great Transformation  

  -Karen Armstrong

Compassionate Life (Enhanced Version)    

  -Karen Armstrong

History of God      

  -Karen Armstrong

In the Beginning    

  -Karen Armstrong

"Jerusalem: One City, Three Faiths"          

  -Karen Armstrong

The Spiral of Staircase       

   Karen Armstrong

Field of Blood        

  -Karen Armstrong

Books of The Maccabees   

  -King James Bible & Douay Rheims

Second Temple Judaism     

  -Lester L. Grabbe

The Last Week       

  -Marcus Borg & John Dominic Crossan

A History of Judaism        

  -Martin Goodman

The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible 

  -Martin J. Abegg Jr. Peter Flint, Eugene Ulrich

The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus        

  -Marvin W. Meyer

Purity and Danger  

  -Mary Douglas

Challenge of JESUS

  -N.T. Wright

Who was Jesus      

  -N.T. Wright

The Crown and the Fire     

  -N.T. Wright

For All God's Worth

  -N.T. Wright

The New Testament and the people of God (Christian Origin and the Question of God Series Book 1)       

  -N.T. Wright

Jesus and The Victory of God: Christian Origin and the Question of God, Volume 2

  -N.T. Wright

Jesus The Final Days         

  -N.T. Wright and Craig A. Evans

The Life & Times of Jesus  

  -N.T. Wright and others

Simply Jesus

  -N.T. Wright

What Did The Ancient Israelites Eat?: Diet in Biblical Times        

  -Nathan MacDonald

The Politics of Jesus

  -Obery M. Hendricks

Jesus and The Jewish Law  

  -Olivia Herlihy

Rose Then and Now Bible Map Atlas       

  -Paul H. Wright

The Complete Dead Sea Scroll in English (7th Edition)     

  -Penguin Classics

Regionary: The Roman Soldier's (Unofficial) Manual       

  -Philip Matyszak

Jesus and Power    

  -Richard A. Horsley

Jesus and Magic     

  -Richard A. Horsley

Jesus and Politics of Roman Palestine      

  -Richard A. Horsley

Revolt of Scribes    

  -Richard A. Horsley

The Prophet Jesus and The Renewal of Israel      

  -Richard A. Horsley

Jesus and the Eyewitnesses

  -Richard Bauckham

Covenant Economics         

  -Richard Horsley

When Faith Meets Reason 

  -Robert W. Funk et al.

The Art of Biblical Narrative         

  -Robert Alter

James The Brother of Jesus and The Dead Sea Scroll II   

  -Robert Eisenmann

The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered   

  -Robert Eisenmann & Michael Wise

The Temple 

  -Rose Publishing

Rose Guide to The Temple 

  -Rose Publishing

Feast of The Bible  

  -Rose Publishing, Sam Nadler

The Life of Jesus of Nazareth       

  -Rush Rhees

The Life in Year One          

  -Scott Korb

Culture and Belief (Lectures)         

  -Shaye J.D. Cohen

Jewish History: An Essay in the philosophy of history     

  -Simon Markovich Dubnow

10-21 House Construction in the First Century    

  -Steve Lemke

Food: What Did People Eat?

  -The University of Holy Land (Center for the Study of Early Christianity)

Types of the Temple and Tabernacle         

  -Thomas Newberry

The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ 

  -Tito Vignoli

Texts That Linger Words That Explode: Listening to Prophetic Voices     

  -Walter Brueggemann

A Roman Lawyer in Jerusalem: First Century       

  -William Westmore Story

Forbidden Books of The Original New Testament 

     -Willian Wake

   Torah (Hebrew Bible)
     -Simon Abram

   History and Eschatology :Jesus and the Promise of Natural Theology
     -N.T. Wright

   Gender, Ethicity, and Religion 
     -Rosemary Radford Reuther

   The Task of Theology
     -Anselm Min

   Ecce Homo
     -William Ewart Gladstone

   Ecce Homo: a Survey of the Life and Work of Jesus Christ
     -Sir John Robert Seeley

   Tractus Logico-Philosophicus
     -Ludwig Wittgenstein, Sam Veseghi
   The Bible and Contemporary Culture
     -Gerd Theissen  
